Why Borders Make Climate Change Worse
Happy Friday! As always, please enjoy the new OCC video, three quotes, and three links!
Three Quotes:
“Reducing inequality between countries would also decrease the need and benefit to use international migration as an adaptation solution; hence considerations of unequal levels of development across regions are crucial to understanding international migration flows and to a relevant assessment of climate change damages.”
— Hélène Benveniste et al.
“This is a global trend, but seven countries in particular – responsible for 48% of the world’s historic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions – collectively spent at least twice as much on border and immigration enforcement (more than $33.1 billion) as on climate finance ($14.4 billion) between 2013 and 2018.”
— Transnational Institute
“Over the past decade (2010–2019), weather-related events triggered an estimated 23.1 million displacements of people on average each year.”
— World Meteorological Society
Three Links:
How the world's wealthiest nations prioritize borders over climate action (Transnational Institute)
The Great Climate Migration Has Begun (The New York Times)
Climate stress drove wave of Arab Spring refugees - researchers (Reuters)
Hope you have a wonderful weekend,